Sunday, May 10, 2009

                    Vietnam today

Our journey started in Ho Chi Minh city formerly known as Saigon.From there we went to TayNinh, due west of HCM city and returned ,then we went up north to Dalat in the highlands and again returned to HCM city.Then we pushed on to Cai Be in the Delta,then on to Cantho and Chau Doc thus ending our tour of some parts of Vietnam.From Chau Doc we then took the boat to Mek Luong in Cambodia from where a bus brought us to Phnom Penh where we started our Cambodia tour. After spending a few days in Phnom Penh we took the bus to Siem Riep to visit the Angkor Wat and various temples. Then we took the bus from Siem Riep to Bangkok ,Thailand to start our Thailand tour.

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